30 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 30 décembre.

As the new year approaches, I, like many others, convince myself to resolve my vices. While browsing Matador, I came across a new perfect New Year's resolution list; one hundred things, all attainable.

27 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 27 décembre.

Oh how much I've got to say! I've just had no time to say it in.

Rewind to Christmas:
Twas fabulous if I do say so. Went to the movies with the best friend ans saw Black Swan. It was nothing at all as I'd imagined and completely bizarre, albeit brilliant. It's one of those films that messes with your head, which of course, I love.
After the movie, previously stated best friend made my day with an adorable peacoat.

Nothing too exciting has happened since Saturday aside from work work working, but I feel like I have so much more to say and I just can't find the words. Have you ever had the epiphany that everything is going to be okay? Yeah, this morning at five o'clock, I got that feeling while leaving work, and so far, it's stuck. I just feel so hopeful and calm and dare I say satisfied.

23 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 23 décembre.

I'm ridiculously obsessed with this song.

It's more than just New York though, that inspires me. The whole idea of a city-life future is beyond electrifying. To me it represents a life full of passion, full of fun, full of desire and fulfillment. For me, it's the future.

20 December 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 20 décembre.

I felt like making a confessions blog, so here goes nothing.

  1. I've never seen The Notebook (or most other cliché romantic movies you can think of).
  2. I aspire to be someone who makes a noticeable impact on the world.
  3. Being a workaholic is one of my greatest joys, and that worries me more than you can imagine.
  4. I hate credit cards. Anything that involves me being in debt to someone scares the crap out of me.
  5. I thoroughly enjoy networking. I've even done it at family reunions. 
  6. I have a soft spot for vintage horror films.
  7. Collecting indie and foreign films is enthralling.
  8. Even though I grew up with everyone around me speaking Spanish, I still think French is easier.
  9. When I grow up, I want to be a philanthropist.
  10. My favorite word is 'convivial.'
  11. I'll add more later.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 20 décembre.

I'm so glad I've convinced my girls to get blogs :D
But anyway, finally, yesterday, I got around to watching the film Milk, and let me just say, beyond spectacular.
You see, I'm one of those people who are extremely pro-gay rights (Celebration for the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, anyone? Yus.) I mean, I knew Harvey Milk's story, but to see it brought to life like that was nothing short of brilliant. Truth be told, I don't think it would've been half as good without the cast it had. Sean Penn, James Franco, Emile Hirsch, Josh Brolin, Alison Pill, Lucas Grabeel, the list goes on. This movie is most definitely joining my movie collection sometime soon. If you haven't seen it, it's a must see.

A few quotes by Mr. Milk:
"Without hope, life is not worth living."
"Civil rights or civil war. Gay rights now."
"If you want real political power, try telling the truth for a change."

For the record, I just don't get all the LGBT hate. And I love debating about it [:

17 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 17 décembre.

On the outside, today wasn't much more than any other day, but on the inside, for some reason, it feels like oh so much more.

11 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 11 décembre.

What a day today has been. In both the fantastic and annoying senses. On a good note, I got into my top choice college! Hoorah. Mais, to my dismay I got dragged along to see Christmas lights D: I'm kind of a Grinch. I really hope I can learn to fake things in the future. Alas. Until later.

06 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 6 décembre.

I would just like to express my discontent concerning the gradual extinction of print sources in favor of virtual media.
That is all.

05 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 5 décembre.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend of mine's mother. I only spoke with her for a short time, but throughout the time, I could feel the endless love radiating from her. Though I make friends rather easily, she made me appreciate much more my really close friends. So here's to you guys.

Erica Benson.
I love the way you bust my ear drums at concerts and make fun of my blond moments.
Friends since '07.

Katie Crisler.
Thank you for always bringing me toothbrushes and being my partner in crime when we get lost.
Friends since '93.

Ella Temple.
I love all the crazy things we've gotten ourselves into and the fun times we have singing obnoxiously at the top of our lungs.
Friends since '07.

Aya Ajjawi.
I hate how adorable you are. I love our Fringlish conversations in every class we have together and our heart to heart while I attempt for Hänschen not to kill us.
Friends since '07.

Chelsea Partridge.
I'm so jealous of how far you'll go in life. You motivate me to make so much more of myself.
Friends since '07.

Taylor Basford.
Yes, you're a douche most of the time, but you're the closest thing I have to a best guy friend. Seriously I think you know more about me than anyone else. Not sure how we wound up this close, but it isn't a bad thing.
Friends since '07.

03 December 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 3 décembre.

Recently a good friend of mine created a blog. Perusing through the posts prompted me to appreciate one thing: the simplicities in life. So this blog is dedicated to the little things in life that make me happy.

  • Glass coke bottles
  • The smell of tea tree oil
  • The smell of fresh Parmesan bread
  • Hugging random people
  • Realizing you can't live without certain people
  • History
  • City life
  • Photography sprees with the girlfriends
  • Reading the subtitles in foreign films
I'll add more as they come to mind.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 3 décembre.

So let me lock a locket around your throat. I'll weigh you down, I'll watch you choke. You look so good in blue. Fall Out Boy in acoustic. The good stuff. Seriously, if you don't have this EP, go get it.

02 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 2 décembre.

Better start making reservations for 2018! Russia baby! And start saving for 2014 Brazil. Heck yeah. So stoked! Chillin with the beautiful people [:

30 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 30 novembre.

So I'm thinking of possibly creating a blog that discusses world occurrences and global news.
Thoughts? Opinions? Title ideas?

28 November 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 28 novembre.

This movie disturbed me to no extent, but for some reason, I couldn't look away.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 28 novembre.

I haven't been slacking, I just have nothing to say.

25 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 25 novembre.

I hate capitalist holidays; but I am thankful for what I have.

23 November 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 23 novembre.

This song and Bono are like sex to me.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 23 novembre.

Me: "Thank you for choosing Krystals, would you like to try our number one combo with cheese?"
Customer: "Uh yeah. Lemme get a McChicken."
Me: "A chik?"

Yeah. Newsflash: We aren't McDonalds. We haven't quite achieved world domination yet.

22 November 2010

21 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 21 novembre.

There's a whole world out there waiting to be discovered.
Do you have the guts to pursue it?

19 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 19 novembre.

In case you didn't know, I work in fast food.
Anywho, today, a lady paid for her food, I proceeded to give her her order, the usual.
Behind her was a police officer. 
After I walked away, she tapped on my window.
"How much was the order behind me," she asked.
"$2.80," I replied.
She pulled out three dollars, said 'thank him for his service' and drove off.
The officer was completely in shock, but totally appreciative. 
People like her restore my faith in humanity.
Kindness: Pay it forward.

18 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 18 novembre.

We match!
-high five-
That was Aya, Marshall, and I when we realized we all matched today.

17 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 17 novembre.

The country mouse and the city mouse are really quite a pair; 
Where ever there's adventures you'll find these two cousins there.
The country mouse and the city mouse!
So I know this is incredibly sad, but I was re-watching these the other day for the first time in years, and it totally rekindled my love for them.

16 November 2010

13 November 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 13 novembre.

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty disturbed by all the McDonald's in such historic places.
Vienna, Austria

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 13 novembre.

We're having this neighborhood get together thing today.
Granted there are only six house on our street, it should still be interesting.
I love the diversity of our neighborhood as well.
Three houses constitute of different generations of the same family and then the others are so ethnically diverse.
There's us, the Puerto Ricans, the Albanians across the street, and the new Ukrainians who just moved in next door.
Truth be told, not only am I excited for all the cultural food, but just to see the cohesion and coexistence such different ethnologies. 

12 November 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 12 novembre.

Andy you're a star, in nobody's eyes but mine.
I don't think I even know an Andy, but I was in a vintage Killers mood.
Definitely in my tops for favorite album.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 12 novembre.

Dear Niels Arden Oplev,
I completely agree. The Millennium trilogy should not be remade.
Noomi Rapace is Listbeth Salander.
Besides, what's the point of a remake not even two years after the original.
Just sayin.

10 November 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 10 novembre.

I had trouble deciding what to blog about tonight, so I asked Chelsea.
I don't really like nachos, but cheers to nachos, just for Chels.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 10 novembre.

So San Francisco is trying to pass a bill that cuts out the toy in kids meals if the meal is over 600 calories.
Personally, I like the idea.

08 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 8 novembre.

Steig Larsson,
Please find a way to continue writing from the other side.

A Swedish-obsessed fan.

06 November 2010

05 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 5 novembre.

Remember, remember the fifth of November.
Happy Guy Fawkes Day!
Why not watch V for Vendetta to celebrate?

04 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 4 novembre.

Warren G. Harding is my new favorite president. 
So full of drama.

03 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 3 novembre.

So I finished watching a pretty spiffy Australian film:
At first, not gonna lie, I was like why the hell am I watching this. By the end of the  movie, I still had no idea what the point of it was, but something about it was uplifting. It was one of those films that's spectacular, but you have no reasoning why it falls into that category.

Australian model Gemma Ward mad her movie debut in this film, which leads me to say, I think her and Amanda Seyfried bear an undeniable resemblance.

Amanda Seyfried

Gemma Ward

02 November 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 2 novembre.

Today, I memorized the presidents in order.
I feel accomplished.
Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan,  Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter , Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama.

31 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 31 octobre.

Yes, today is Halloween.
Yes, I had to work.
No, I didn't care.

30 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 30 octobre.

I think I've mentioned before how much I hate when America remakes things that are perfectly great in their original versions.
Case in point:
As you may or may not now, MTV is piloting an American version.
My biggest complaints:
1. The censorship. That's why the original was so good in the first place, because there's a lack of programming on British television.
2. Also, at least based on clips, this is going to be an exact replica of the across-the-pond version.
Enough said.

29 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 29 octobre.

In the Heights

My favorite musical on the face of the planet is closing.
No no no no. Why why why why why.
ITH you will be missed<3

28 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 28 octobre.

Absolutely amazing film.
That being said,
Dear American filmmakers,
Don't fix what isn't broken.
A foreign movie snob

27 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 27 octobre.

"Did you sleep with your mother and murder your father?" I asked. "Worse. I got cable."

Greek plays. It's the movement.
Anti-TV. It's the movement.

26 October 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 26 octobre.

Today's word of the day: Convivial.
Chew on it. I like it.

Used in a sentence: The first time I watched the movie An Education, I thought it was a convivial coming-of-age tale. But then, I was wrong.

It's a fantastic film though. Check it out.
Featuring the likes of Carey Mulligan, Dominic Cooper and Alfred Molina. 

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 26 octobre.

Tag. You're it.
International freeze tag.
Pass it on.

25 October 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 25 octobre.

Hello is the most powerful word against loneliness.
Plain and simple.

Oh I forgot;
Taqwacore is hella rad.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 25 octobre.

$16.98. My favorite movie. Amazon.
Adore adore adore Jon Lange.
Which brings me to study abroad.
So many places.
Paris? Copenhagen? Florence? London?
I dunno. Help!