05 December 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 5 décembre.

Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend of mine's mother. I only spoke with her for a short time, but throughout the time, I could feel the endless love radiating from her. Though I make friends rather easily, she made me appreciate much more my really close friends. So here's to you guys.

Erica Benson.
I love the way you bust my ear drums at concerts and make fun of my blond moments.
Friends since '07.

Katie Crisler.
Thank you for always bringing me toothbrushes and being my partner in crime when we get lost.
Friends since '93.

Ella Temple.
I love all the crazy things we've gotten ourselves into and the fun times we have singing obnoxiously at the top of our lungs.
Friends since '07.

Aya Ajjawi.
I hate how adorable you are. I love our Fringlish conversations in every class we have together and our heart to heart while I attempt for Hänschen not to kill us.
Friends since '07.

Chelsea Partridge.
I'm so jealous of how far you'll go in life. You motivate me to make so much more of myself.
Friends since '07.

Taylor Basford.
Yes, you're a douche most of the time, but you're the closest thing I have to a best guy friend. Seriously I think you know more about me than anyone else. Not sure how we wound up this close, but it isn't a bad thing.
Friends since '07.

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