31 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 31 octobre.

Yes, today is Halloween.
Yes, I had to work.
No, I didn't care.

30 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 30 octobre.

I think I've mentioned before how much I hate when America remakes things that are perfectly great in their original versions.
Case in point:
As you may or may not now, MTV is piloting an American version.
My biggest complaints:
1. The censorship. That's why the original was so good in the first place, because there's a lack of programming on British television.
2. Also, at least based on clips, this is going to be an exact replica of the across-the-pond version.
Enough said.

29 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 29 octobre.

In the Heights

My favorite musical on the face of the planet is closing.
No no no no. Why why why why why.
ITH you will be missed<3

28 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 28 octobre.

Absolutely amazing film.
That being said,
Dear American filmmakers,
Don't fix what isn't broken.
A foreign movie snob

27 October 2010

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 27 octobre.

"Did you sleep with your mother and murder your father?" I asked. "Worse. I got cable."

Greek plays. It's the movement.
Anti-TV. It's the movement.

26 October 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 26 octobre.

Today's word of the day: Convivial.
Chew on it. I like it.

Used in a sentence: The first time I watched the movie An Education, I thought it was a convivial coming-of-age tale. But then, I was wrong.

It's a fantastic film though. Check it out.
Featuring the likes of Carey Mulligan, Dominic Cooper and Alfred Molina. 

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 26 octobre.

Tag. You're it.
International freeze tag.
Pass it on.

25 October 2010

Aujourd'hui est toujours le 25 octobre.

Hello is the most powerful word against loneliness.
Plain and simple.

Oh I forgot;
Taqwacore is hella rad.

Aujourd'hui, c'est le 25 octobre.

$16.98. My favorite movie. Amazon.
Adore adore adore Jon Lange.
Which brings me to study abroad.
So many places.
Paris? Copenhagen? Florence? London?
I dunno. Help!